On our website we want to show you what motivates and drives us...

  • Traffic Safety
    Provinces and Municipalities
  • Sustainable Traffic Safety is based on principles. The principles concern the functionality of roads, recognition and predictability of roads and behavior.

    We help provinces and municipalities in achieving attention and predictability of roads and driving behavior through active tags and non-electric lighting concepts.
  • Life Style
    Architecture and Real Estate
  • Sustainability does not mean you have to live dull or stingy.

    The BMW Group has demonstrated leadership and opts for a 'Sustainable Lifestyle' that goes beyond bringing a stunning policy statement and durability in actual practice.

    We developed new optically active materials with beautiful effects in architecture.


So we inspire end-users to take a more proactive stance in the selection and application of smart materials...

Our Services and Products

Luminous Bike Paths

Design and application of high-end "glow in the dark" / photo-luminescent cycle paths that are attractive, easy to use and affordable. Beautiful, better, smarter, more sustainable and safer. FloWithDGLow. ™

Color for Technology

Development and application of colour changing / chromogenic materials. Playing with the interaction between the surface color, material properties of objects and the perception of light and color.

Energy Harvesting

Energy harvesting in which energy from external sources, such as pressure, light, or radio radiation is collected and retained for small wireless autonomous devices (sensors).

Examples of Our Work

FlowithDglow Provinciale weg Annex Fietspad Ermelo | Harderwijk

Provincial car road versus Cycle Path

Ermelo | Harderwijk
Contouren BMW i-Spot

Outlines BMW i-Spot

Prototyping with photochromic and photoluminescent materials
FlowithDglow Provinciale weg Annex Fietspad Ermelo | Harderwijk

Provincial car road versus cycle path

Ermelo | Harderwijk
BMW i-Spot Prototyping

BMW i-Spot Prototyping

Protyping "Skin" Showroom
FlowithDglow Provinciale weg Annex Fietspad Wageningen e.o.

Glow in the Dark / Wageningen e.o.

Cycle Path
BMW i-Spot Drawing

BMW i-Spot Drawing

Mies Architectuur BMW Amsterdam
FlowithDglow Provinciale weg Annex Fietspad Winterswijk

Glow in The Dark Bridge | Winterswijk

Cycle Path | Provincial Road
FlowithDglow Provinciale weg Annex Fietspad Wageningen e.o.

Glow in the Dark / Wageningen e.o.

Cycle Path

About Us

Senlima is a small innovative international research design and build company that works according to the 'think global, act local' principle.

Senlima is active in nano-technology in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany and has a total of more than 10 local partners.

Those partnerships vary from SME to large corporates.

Senlima plays a key role in society with projects and services that contribute sustainably to the living environment.




Senlima BV (2012) founded as a private company.

Start-up of a manufacturing company with smart materials (2013). We chemically engineered high-end "glow in the dark" concepts for cycle paths and non-electric off-grid applications since 2013.

The BMW Group (2013) as first customer based on Mies Architecture design for flagship store BMW Amsterdam (i-Spot).

Collaboration product development with VolkerWessels (2014). Launch FloWithDGlow with Smits Neuchatel Infrastructure as a "glow in the dark" concept for bicycle paths and non-electrical off-grid applications.

First projects in the province of Gelderland, Rotterdam, Utrechtse Heuvelrug successfully completed with follow-up assignments and publications by the press and media (Cobouw, BNR, FD, ...).

Development of a light-driven relay, and alternatives to "glow".

The development of a nature-inspired transparent, flexible, conductive and piezoelectric organic polymer

First participation in the Innovation Expo (2018)

Further roll-out of glow projects throughout The Netherlands.

The development of piezoelectric organic polymers for Internet of Things (IoT).


We are convinced that an outside-in approach leads to better insights and smarter results in collaboration. With the right mix of partners, ambitions and values we achieve objectives that are quickly established and sound per project.

This requires a lot of self-reliance, investment and confidence in ourselves and each other to get the job done together. Everyone who is part of it, embraces these values as a leitmotif. Thus we achieve a more rapid development and renewal.

Archived News

Glow-in-the-dark fietspad in Hilversum e.o.

Angelo Schouten - founder and director Senlima BV

We can look back on a successful introduction of FloWithDGlow. Not just another "glow in the dark" application, it shows. With the latest developments in Q3 2015 FloWithDGlow is thinner, even more luminous (> 12 hours) and easily attachable.

With beautiful projects in the pipeline, we also see demand come from outside the Netherlands. Whether this foreign demand will be sustained, will evolve the coming period.

In any case, we look to launch other uses as well, where we stress more self-reliancy and information technology. New IoT products and nano materials are waiting for market introduction within a short notice (2021).

Innovation Expo 2018 Rotterdam| New Autonomous Light Sources

Op de IE2018 brengt Senlima een nieuw glow in the dark concept dat ook in situaties zonder dag- of kunstlicht, zoals tunnels of besloten ruimten, glow kan genereren.

Een ander concept op de expo te zien is een transparant, flexibel, organisch polymeer dat electriciteit geleidt en opwekt, geinspireerd door haaien.

Het derde concept is een co-creatie voor een licht-gestuurde klep (actuator). Dit kleine kleponderdeel vindt toepassing in zogenaamde submerged entry bij tankopslag. Doordat geen elektriciteit nodig is, kan het onderdeel mogelijk ook – in een mengsel van explosieve dampen – gebruikt worden om robots op afstand te besturen. Bijvoorbeeld bij in-service onderhoud van ATEX 0-omgevingen in het havengebied of van mesttanks met broeigassen.